Winning Tactics For american curl cat breeds
American Curl Cat Breed Profile | Petfinder
The American Curl originated in June 1981 as a spontaneous genetic mutation in the domestic cat population. They became popular in 1983, and by 1986 they were recognized by three of the largest North American cat registries.
American Curl - Wikipedia
The American Curl is a breed of cat characterized by its unusual ears, which curl back from the face toward the center of the back of the skull. An American Curl's ears should be handled carefully because rough handling may damage the cartilage in the ear. The breed originated in Lakewood, California, as the result of a spontaneous mutation.
American Curl Cat Breed Information, Pictures ...
The American Curl is one of the youngest cat breeds. It was born of a natural genetic mutation that first appeared in Shulamith, a stray black kitten with long, silky hair and, strangely, ears that curled backward. She found her way to the welcoming door of Joe and Grace Ruga in Lakewood, California.
American Curl Cat Breed - Complete Description, Pictures ...
She was named Shulamith after a biblical reference, and was formally the first American Curl to come in existence. The breed garnered the attention of fanciers, experts, enthusiasts and breeders. After careful studies and lengthy research, Roy Robinson, a cat geneticist came to the conclusion that the mutation was completely natural.
American Curl Cat Breed - Facts and Personality Traits ...
The coat texture of the American Curl is silky, whether she is a short hair or a long hair. The hair length on the long haired curl is really more semi-long than long. The American Curl is accepted in all colors and patterns. Personality: The American Curl is a lively cat. She is very interested in people and gets along well with her parents.
American Curl – The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc

When selective breeding began in 1983, fanciers bred the American Curl with an eye toward developing a show breed. In analyzing data on 81 litters (383 kittens), renowned feline geneticist Roy Robinson of London, England, confirmed that the ear-curling gene is autosomal dominant, which means that any cat with even one copy of the gene will show ...
American Curl cat Pictures and Information - Cat-Breeds
American Curl is a cat breed that includes both longhaired and shorthaired species. Shorthaired American curly cat required a little more time to develop as the original curly cats were all long-haired and short-haired cats carry many hidden genes for long hair and have long-haired kittens.
American Curl - catbreeds
CAT BREEDS Total: 60+ Breeds. Home. Smalltest Medium Large Largest. All Breeds. Size. Small Medium Large Giant. Characteristics. ... American Curl Photo #1 Overview. Breed Information. Popularity: #26: Origin: United States: Size: Small to Medium: Coat: Semi-long Short Flat Lying Silky Light Undercoat Soft Lustrous:
American Curl: Cat Breed Profile - The Spruce Pets
The American Curl became incredibly popular over a short period of time, and was quickly recognized by the International Cat Association in 1987 and by the Cat Fanciers Association in 1993. Today, American Curls are ranked 27th among the United States' most popular cat breeds.
American Curl Cats | American Curl Cat Breed Info ...
This cat had an easy time climbing the ladder to success. In its ten years of existence, the Curl has managed to win the hearts of American cat lovers and judges. The birthday of this breed falls in June of 1981, when two kittens of unknown breed or origin came to the doorstep of Grace Ruga of Lakewood, California.
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