4 Most Common Problems With lilac point himalayan
Identifying a Blue and Lilac Point Himalayan

Lilac point and Blue point Himalayan kitten photos for color comparison. Notice the three week old lilac points pinkish gray nose leather, pinkish gray point color and glacial white coat, whereas the blue point has a slate gray nose leather and point color and bluish white coat.
Himalayan Cat Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics ...

The Himalayan is bred in the following point colors: chocolate, seal, lilac, blue, red, cream tortie, blue-cream, chocolate-tortie, lilac-cream, seal lynx, blue lynx, red lynx, cream lynx, tortie lynx, blue-cream lynx, chocolate lynx, lilac lynx, chocolate-tortie lynx and lilac-cream lynx. The body is various shades of white to fawn with color only on the facial mask and the feet, ears and tail.
Kitten Colors - The Purrfect Cattery

The Lilac Point Himalayan is considered rare. It is the dilute of chocolate. Lilac Points have frosty gray points with a pinkish tone, body glacial white, pads and nose leather lavender pink. Please check my Blue & Lilac page for an example of the Lilac Points nose leather.
How to Determine a Himalayan Kitten's Color - Pets

If your kitten has stripes, then he is a lynx point Himalayan. The lynx point Himalayan has heavy tabby markings overlaid on the solid colors of the mask, legs and tail. The seal lynx point has a light brown mask with dark brown markings and the blue point Himalayan has a silvery-blue mask with darker “blue” markings.
New Jersey Himalayan Kittens for sale - KaristaKats

Lilac Lynx Point female - Reserved for the Wennerholt family Himalayan kittens available Himalayan Kittens born March 26, 2020 Blue Point female - Sold to Aileen Blue Lynx Point male - Sold to the Lieberman family. Himalayan kittens available Seal Point male - Sold to Heather Blue Point female - Sold to Vicki
Himalayan Kittens For Sale In Virginia

The Himalayan breed is sometimes considered a sub-breed of long-haired cat identical to the Persian breed, except for the eye color and color point pattern. They tend to have a cobby body with short legs and there are two variations: the traditional or doll-face and the peke-faced that seems more squashed.
Himalayan Cat Breeders Websites - KittySites.Com

Wimaria’s Himalayans, Persians and Exotics – Wimaria’s is a small Himalayan cattery in Germany, special Exotic-points with deep blue eyes. (Germany) (Germany) Windysweptt Cattery – Stunning, top quality, napoleons and himalayans.
The Purrfect Cattery

Doll-Face Himalayans, Persians, & Ragdolls are in my website. They beautiful cats with blue eyes. Himalayans are very sweet cats! All of my breeders are listed on my site and kittens are sometimes available. I am a himalayan breeder. Colors of the himalayans are Flame Point, Seal Point, Cream Point, Blue Point, Lilac Point, Chocolate Point, Torite Point, Blue-Cream Point.
Lilac Persian Kittens - Lilac Persian Cats - Lilac ...

Lilac, or Lavender as it is sometimes called depending on your location, isn’t purple, but rather a dilution of chocolate, which is a dilution of black. It is one of rarest colors found in cats! “My nails look fabulous!” Below is a picture of an ULTRA RARE Lilac Point Himalayan Kitten!!;)
Himalayan Kittens for Sale - Felines4us

Its coat colors are either white or cream, but its points have a variety of shades, including blue, lilac, chocolate, cream tortie, seal, seal lynx, lilac lynx, red lynx, and blue-cream lynx. Their pattern can be tabby or tortoiseshell. You can check out our wide selection of Himalayan for sale and you might find one according to your specifications.
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